Work packages
WP 1 - Advanced separation processesWP1 aims at an evaluation of advanced solvent systems, going beyond what is achieved within the timeframe of the CASTOR project. The activities are focused on:
- Solvent systems that can be qualified for testing in the Esbjerg pilot within CESAR
- New solvent concepts, especially precipitating and slurry systems where the absorbed CO2 can be recovered in a solid reaction product.
- High flux membrane contactors, that will allow size reduction of the absorption/desorption columns due to a better mass transfer than the most up-to-date packings studied within CASTOR. Within CESAR, such high flux membranes contactors will be characterised on a mock-up in order to build the corresponding mass transfer and pressure drop models. These models will be used for a complete process and evaluation study that will establish the reduction in term of CAPEX and OPEX possible with such high flux membranes.
- Solvents will be selected among promising candidates identified in the CASTOR project, but not taken forward to further characterization, utilizing new knowledge and experience gathered in the final phase of CASTOR.
WP 2 - Capture process modelling and integration
WP2 aims at Process Integration between all the elements of the power plant equipped with CO2 capture (boiler, steam generation system, CO2 capture, CO2 compression), using as a starting point what is achieved within the timeframe of the CASTOR project. The activities are focused on:
- Process modelling
- For conventional CO2 capture using a column equipped with the most up-to-date solvents, designs and packings.
- For units equipped with high flux membranes
- Design of integrated arrangements using the previous models as tools
- For 5 power plant references cases
- For 800 MWe bitumous power station, study of the impact of using high flux membranes
- Full evaluation of the integrated arrangements, including design descriptions with CAPEX and OPEX estimation:
- For the 5 power plant references cases
- For the 800 MWe bitumous power station, study of the impact of using high flux membranes
WP 3 - Solvent process validation studies
WP3 focuses on pilot plant testing of the solvent systems that have been selected. The pilot testing takes place in two stages. First a range of 6 solvent systems will be tested in laboratory scale pilot units (10 kg CO2/h). Each test campaign will go over 3-4 weeks. This enables operation over a large range of operating conditions that will form the basis for recommended operating procedures in the larger Esbjerg Pilot plant. Operating experience will also be gathered and transferred to the larger plant and possible operational problems detected. Further the results will be used for simulation model validation such this can be used for optimization of the industrial process. Out of the 6 solvents, 2 will be chosen to be tested in the Esbjerg Pilot plant (1t CO2/h). The 2 selected solvents will then be tested using operating conditions found to be close to optimal by small-scale pilot runs and simulation work. For all solvents close monitoring of emissions to air and water will be performed. This will establish the degree of solvent losses. Campaigns identifying and measuring emissions of degradation products will also be performed for all selected solvents. To establish the environmental impact of the solvent processes, a program measuring the biodegradability, the ecotoxicity and the bioaccumulation of the solvents will be undertaken, and finally the selected solvents processes will be evaluated based on an overall life cycle assessment (LCA) analysis
WP 4 - Activity type: Management and innovation-related activities
The supporting work package 4, project coordination, will include securing the necessary exchange of research information between project partners, controlling the progress of the project to satisfy the contractual requirements on its execution and disseminating the project results. Using information and technology exchange material prepared by the leaders of other work packages, progress meetings will be organised with the aim to evaluate the research work done and review information needs of the partners. Further details can be found in Section 2: Implementation.